Stockbridge Ukraine
Life Saving Equipment for the Frontline!
A big problem for those serving in the frontline in Ukraine is simply a lack of transport for day to day tasks such as getting wounded back from the front to medical care. There just aren’t enough military vehicles and units have to find their own solutions. One option is to convert an ordinary civilian 4x4 SUV into a makeshift ambulance but they are very hard to get hold of in Ukraine. An effective alternative is to buy vehicles here and drive them out to Ukraine.
We plan a series of events to raise money to fund as many of these as possible. Thanks to supporters like you, in 2024 we raised enough money for three vehicles (and contributed to 2 others) plus other essential life saving equipment, all are now in the frontline saving lives.
On Thursday 28th November, Mark Betteridge will be talking about his experience of driving the second utility vehicle to Lviv. This is being held in Hurstborne Tarrant from 7pm.
To buy tickets to this event, please click on this link
The easiest way is via BACS:
Account name: Stockbridge Ukraine, Sort code: 30-98-97, Account number: 79874662
It is not always possible to identify people from BACS donations. If you e-mail to tell us about the donation we can check it has arrived and thank you.
Stockbridge Ukraine is an informal group of hosts, helpers and Ukrainian guests in the Stockbridge (Hants) area providing mutual support. Initially our goal was to help guests and hosts adjust to life in the UK. However, the situation changed and now we focus on providing desperately needed life-saving equipment to Ukraine's frontline.
We work closely with similar groups in other parts of the UK and with local government.
If you want to join us or just want to know more about us please e-mail